
Project: Logic as Necessary Component in Academic.


Research Group (CAPES/CNPq).

Development Sector:
Technology and product development (consumer).

Developing Innovative Educational Technology focused on formal logic to augment the capabilities of the ap­plication and understanding of the content developed in training future professionals Areas of Exact Sciences and Technologies. The completion of several courses of University Extension in the field of Formal Deductive Logic and First Order showed that the strength of deductive and analytical calculations and Logical Analysis of Inferential Logic as a powerful agent of change in the training of academic allowing the expansion of capacity to assess and decide logically.

Improvement academic performance of students in undergraduate courses of Exact Sciences who has deeper knowledge of the methods and techniques of calculations Logic in Mathematical Logic First Order. Greater sys­temic understanding of content by academics. The real possibility of academics and graduates to infer correct and consistent application wider and intensified.

Responsible/Coordinator Researcher:
Carlos Magno Corrêa Dias.

In “Catálogo de inovação (Innovation catalog) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná”. Curitiba: Ed. UTFPR, 2011. ISSN impresso 2178-4000. ISSN CD ROM 2237-4000. Catálogo de Inovação - UTFPR.